Effective October 10, 2018, the Interferry Board will have a vacancy for a Director position that is designated to represent the “Supplier” community of the ferry industry.
The Nominating Committee of the Board is seeking an Expression of Interest from Associate Members for this vacancy. To be considered for this Director position, candidates must meet the following criteria set by the Nominating Committee:
- Be a “member in good standing” of Interferry
- Have experience in the design of ferries and Ro-Ro vessels
- Possess an in-depth knowledge of shipbuilding
- Be an employee in the supplier business to the ferry industry
- Be able to serve a four-year commitment including attending three meetings per year
If you have an interest in joining the Interferry Board of Directors, please email your cover letter and Resume/Curriculum Vitae to:
Mike Corrigan, Interferry CEO and Secretary • mike.corrigan@interferrry.com