Exemplifying how the Global Ferry Industry is Leading the Way Towards a Sustainable Maritime Future 

The Ferry Sustainable Showcase submission portal is now open.

Interferry members are invited to submit examples of how their organization is prioritizing sustainability, environmental stewardship and decarbonization.

We are seeking submissions from our members that highlight how our industry is leading the way towards a sustainable maritime future. All types of media files are accepted, including reports, slide decks and videos.

What are we looking for?

We strongly encourage our operator members to submit projects that highlight zero emission solutions as our industry pushes towards decarbonization. Additionally, we seek to highlight sustainable ship construction and interiors, as well as shoreside projects and practices that will lead to a greener future. Other examples include projects where sustainability is achieved, or operational efficiency of vessels is greatly improved, through use of software technology, automation or AI.

Suppliers are reminded that submissions should not be commercial in nature. Only about 10 percent of the submission should focus on your company and/or product with the remainder dedicated to educating and enlightening. For example, submissions that focus on case-studies and pilot projects that feature supplier products are well received and allow the opportunity to showcase offerings and their capabilities without an overt sales pitch.

Joint submissions with operator members are strongly recommended for suppliers to show tangible utilization of their technology along with actual (in service) or projected (new build projects) increases in efficiency and carbon reduction.

What happens next?

Submissions that meet the criteria will then be sorted by category and uploaded to the “Ferry Sustainable” showcase which will go live in 2025. The showcase will exemplify the efforts of our industry as a whole and provide a central reference point for sustainability, environmental stewardship and decarbonization relating to ferries.

Interferry reserves the right to deny any submissions that are overtly commercial in nature, controversial or submitted by non-members.

How to Submit

Please fill out the form fields. Include files using the upload feature. There is a 16mb limit on submitted files. If you have a video to submit that is larger than 16mb, please use the “video link” field to provide a download/share link to your video.

If you have any questions about suitability of content, please contact Business Manager Jakki.Papps@interferry.com.

If you have any issues with the form, please contact Marketing Manager John.Nedwidek@interferry.com.

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