Interferry News

Interferry News2024-02-13T01:13:13+00:00
17Apr, 2024

Interferry and IMO conclude successful Africa Ferry Safety Seminar in Dar es Salaam

April 17th, 2024|Categories: FerrySafe, Interferry, Interferry Conference, Interferry News, News Release, Safety|

In the mutual interest of improving safety, a stronger cooperation between the African ferry community and Interferry was established in this week's Africa Ferry Safety Seminar in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The seminar was leading up to Interferry2024, Interferry’s 48th annual conference taking place in Marrakech, October 26-30. A collaborative effort to elevate ferry safety standards in Africa concluded yesterday, after a two-day intensive seminar co-hosted by Interferry and [...]

16Apr, 2024

Interferry2024 Call for Speakers on the theme of ‘Safety, Security and Sustainability’

April 16th, 2024|Categories: Interferry, Interferry Conference, Interferry News, News Release, Regulatory, Safety, Uncategorized|

Interferry, the association that represents the ferry industry worldwide, is calling for speakers for its 48th annual conference, which will be held in Marrakech, Morocco from October 26-30, 2024. Interferry is seeking presentations that showcase industry solutions and learnings on this year´s conference theme: Safety, Security and Sustainability. “We’re excited to be welcoming delegates to our first-ever conference on the African continent to meet and discuss what will shape [...]

4Apr, 2024

Interferry urges governments to use carbon tax revenues to invest in OPS

April 4th, 2024|Categories: Interferry, Interferry News, News Release, Regulatory|

Interferry, the shipping association representing the ferry industry worldwide, is calling on governments and electricity utilities to prioritise investment in Onshore Power Supply (OPS) development to help the ferry sector maintain its lead in maritime electrification and hybridisation. Ferries – big and small – provide lifeline and essential services to communities across the globe. A recent study conducted on Interferry’s behalf by Oxford Economics revealed the ferry industry’s huge [...]

24Jan, 2024

Interferry to host joint Africa Ferry Safety seminar with the IMO

January 24th, 2024|Categories: FerrySafe, Interferry, Interferry News, Regulatory, Safety|

Global trade association Interferry has partnered with the IMO to organise and co-host a seminar on ferry safety in Africa. Taking place on 16-17 April 2024 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, the seminar furthers Interferry's commitment to reducing casualties in developing nations by promoting the highest maritime safety standards. Regulatory authority Tanzania Shipping Agencies Corporation (TASAC) – with the support of the Ministry of Works, Transport and Communications, Tanzania [...]

8Nov, 2023

Interferry elects four new board directors and new president

November 8th, 2023|Categories: Interferry, Interferry Board, Interferry Conference, Interferry News, News Release|

Interferry, the trade body representing the global ferry industry, has announced the election of five new board members at its annual general meeting on November 7 – held during Interferry2023, the association’s successful 47th annual conference that has just concluded in Hobart, Tasmania. Four directors were appointed for terms of four years: Nicolas Jimenez, president and CEO of BC Ferries; Seamus Murphy, executive director of the San Francisco Bay [...]

20Sep, 2023

Interferry calls for pan-European eco-bonus system for ferry shipping

September 20th, 2023|Categories: Interferry, Interferry Board, Interferry News, News Release, Regulatory|

Global trade association Interferry – representing more than 270 companies and some 1,200 individual members from over 40 countries – co-hosted a workshop at the European Shipping Summit this week, together with the shipping associations from Cyprus, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain. Urging short sea cargo increase, the hosts welcomed more than 100 professionals and political representatives at Brussels Royal Museum of Fine Arts. Interferry´s key input was provided [...]

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